new Egan, Gabriel and Nathan Dooner. 2024. "The Problem with New Claims That Marlowe's Doctor Faustus Was Co-written By a Forgotten Dramatist." The Conversation. vol. Online at Https//
new Egan, Gabriel, Mark Eisen, Alejandro Ribeiro and Santiago Segarra. 2024. "A Reply to Pervez Rizvi's Letter." Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. vol. 39. pp. 3-4
new Egan, Gabriel. 2024a. 'What we Will Never Know About Authorship: Limits to the Art of Attribution': A Paper Delivered in the Panel Authenticating Shakespeare -- What Did Shakespeare Really Write'? at 9.30-11am on 27 June at the British Shakespeare Association Conference at De Montfort University Leicester, 26-28 June [SLIDES]
new Egan, Gabriel. 2024c. 'Digital Scholarly Editing with and Without Collaboration': A Keynote Address on 6 June to the 'International Symposium on the Future of Digital Editing and Publishing' on 6-7 June at University College Cork [SLIDES]
new Egan, Gabriel. 2024d. Textual Note on Shakespeare's The Tempest for the Oxford World Classics Reprint of the New Oxford Shakespeare Edition Edited By Rory Loughnane and Introduced By Lauren Working
new Egan, Gabriel. 2024e. "Is Shakespeare's Language Unlike That of His Contemporaries?": A Talk at 7.30pm on 24 February for the Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society [SLIDES]
new Egan, Gabriel. 2024f. "Some Problems in Using Numbers to Represent the Writing Styles of Shakespeare and his Contemporaries." Shakespeare Review. vol. 60. pp. 695-715
new Thomas, Miranda Fay and Gabriel Egan. 2024. "To the Reader; Or, What's in a Folio?: Introduction to a Special Issue on the First Folio of Shakespeare." Shakespeare. vol. 20. pp. 1-8
Colyvas, Kim, Gabriel Egan and Hugh Craig. 2023a. "Changes in the Length of Speeches in the Plays of William Shakespeare and His Contemporaries: A Mixed Models Approach." PLOS One. vol. Apr 21;18(4):e0282716. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0282716. eCollection 2023.
Colyvas, Kim, Gabriel Egan and Hugh Craig. 2023a. "Around 1600, Speeches in English Plays Suddenly Got Shorter -- And No One Knows Why." The Conversation. 27 April.
Egan, Gabriel. 2023a. 'How Far is Shakespeare's Language from That of His Contemporaries?': A 30-minute Plenary Address at the Meeting of the Shakespeare Association of Korea at Seoul National University on 27-28 October [SLIDES]
Egan, Gabriel. 2023b. "'Open-access Journals': A Letter to the Editor." The Times Literary Supplement. vol. Number 6295 (24 November). p. 6
Egan, Gabriel. 2023c. "'Bad Quartos Revisited': A Letter to the Editor." Times Literary Supplement. vol. Number 6264 (21 April). p. 6
Egan, Gabriel. 2023d. "Understanding Markov Chains." TextGenEd: Teaching with Text Generation Technologies. Edited by Annette Vee, Tim Laquintano and Carly Schnitzler. Fort Collins CO. Writing Across the Curriculum Clearinghouse and Colorado State University. Chapter online at Book online at
Egan, Gabriel. 2023e. "The Tony Hancock Appreciation Society Reunion Dinner 2023: A Literary Review." The Missing Page: The Magazine of the Tony Hancock Appreciation Society. vol. 9.4. p. 7
Egan, Gabriel. 2023f. 'Is it Okay That Shakespeare Provides the Model for Scholarly Digital Editions of Early Modern Plays?': A Paper Delivered on 14 April at the Conference 'Authorship, Identity, and Textual Scholarship: From Antiquity to Digital Scholarship', the Annual Meeting of the European Society for Textual Scholarship at the University of Kent, Canterbury on 14-15 April. [SLIDES]
Egan, Gabriel. 2023g. 'Shakespeare Editions and Textual Studies, 2019': Not the Year's Work in English Studies, a Self-published Annual Review
Eisen, Mark, Santiago Segarra, Alejandro Ribeiro and Gabriel Egan. 2023. "'I Would I Had That Corporal Soundness': Pervez Rizvi's Analysis of the Word Adjacency Network Method of Authorship Attribution." Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. vol. 38. pp. 1494-507
Brown, Paul, Mark Eisen, Santiago Segarra, Alejandro Ribeiro and Gabriel Egan. 2022. "How the Word Adjacency Network (WAN) Algorithm Works." Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. vol. 37. pp. 321-35. DOI 10.1093/llc/fqab002
Egan, Gabriel. 2022a. "Are Black Lives Matter and Antifa Really Marxist?" History Reclaimed Newsletter. vol. Online at
Egan, Gabriel. 2022b. 'How Shakespeare Got a Little Help from His Friends': An Interview with Robyn Williams Broadcast on Australian Broadcasting Corporation Radio National on 1 October. [Audio recording] [Transcript]
Egan, Gabriel. 2022c. "'Cost of Reading': A Letter to the Editor." The Times Literary Supplement. vol. Number 6212 (22 April). p. 6
Egan, Gabriel. 2022d. "What Are Interfaces For, Really?." Routledge Handbook of Shakespeare and Interface. Edited by Paul Budra and Clifford Werier. New York. Routledge. pp. 91-104
Egan, Gabriel. 2022e. "'Sir Thomas More': Editing a Manuscript Play Within an XML Edition Created for Printed Plays": A Paper Delivered in the Seminar 'Editorial Theory and Practice in the Digital Era' on 22 July at the International Shakespeare Conference in Stratford-upon-Avon 19-22 July
Moscato, Pablo, Hugh Craig, Gabriel Egan, Mohammad Nazmul Haque, Kevin Huang, Julia Sloan and Jon Corrales de Oliveira. 2022. "Multiple Regression Techniques for Modeling Dates of First Performances of Shakespeare-era Plays." Expert Systems with Applications. vol. 200. pp. 1-12 . DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2022.116903 Article 116903
Egan, Gabriel. 2021a. "Review of Geoffrey Marsh Living with Shakespeare: Saint Helen's Parish, London, 1593-1598 (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2021)." The London Journal. Advance Access.
Egan, Gabriel. 2021b. "Review of Zachary Lesser Ghosts, Holes, Rips and Scrapes: Shakespeare in 1619, Bibliography in the Longue Durée (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021)." Shakespeare. Advance Access.
Moscato, Pablo, Hugh Craig, Gabriel Egan, Mohammad Nazmul Haque, Kevin Huang, Julia Sloan and Jon Corrales de Oliveira. 2021. "Multiple Regression Techniques for Modeling Dates of First Performances of Shakespeare-era Plays." arXiv preprint. vol. ArXiv2104.05929.:
Segarra, Santiago, Mark Eisen, Gabriel Egan and Alejandro Ribeiro. 2021. "A Response to Rosalind Barber's Critique of the Word Adjacency Method for Authorship Attribution." ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews. vol. 34. pp. 291-96
Taylor, Gary, John Jowett, Terri Bourus and Gabriel Egan. 2021. "'Shakespeare and Co': A Letter to the Editor." The Times Literary Supplement. Number 6174 (30 July). p. 6
Egan, Gabriel. 2020a. "'Lost Hamlet': A Letter to the Editor." The Times Literary Supplement Number 6092 (3 January). 6.
Egan, Gabriel. 2020b. 'What Are Interfaces For, Really?': A Paper Delivered in the Seminar 'Shakespeare Studies and the Idea of the Interface' on 17 April at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Shakespeare Association of America in Denver, Colorado, on 15-18 April.
Segarra, Santiago, Mark Eisen, Gabriel Egan and Alejandro Ribeiro. 2020a. "A Response to Pervez Rizvi's Critique of the Word Adjacency Method for Authorship Attribution." ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews 33. 332-37.
Egan, Gabriel. 2019b. 'Shakespeare Editions and Textual Studies, 2017': Not the Year's Work in English Studies, a Self-published Annual Review.
Egan, Gabriel. 2019c. 'What Does Digital Methodology Mean and How Can it Contribute to Humanities' Scholarship':? A Keynote Address to the Symposium on 'Research Agendas in Literary Linguistics 2.0' at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz, on 17 October. [SLIDES]
Egan, Gabriel. 2019d. "Introduction to a Special Issue on 'Computational Methods for Literary-historical Textual Scholarship'." Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 34. 818-24.
Egan, Gabriel. 2019f. "Scholarly Method, Truth, and Evidence in Shakespearian Textual Studies." Shakespeare Survey 72. 150-59.
Egan, Gabriel. 2019g. "Shakespeare and Marx: The Writer and the Society." Voprosy Literatury [Matters of Literature] 6. 177-95.
Egan, Gabriel and Hugh Craig. 2019. 'New Light on the King Lear Quarto/Folio Differences: Computational Approaches to Problems in Textual Studies': A Paper Delivered on 28 March to a 'Thursday Seminar' at the Shakespeare Institute in Stratford-upon-Avon. [SLIDES]
Brown, Paul and Gabriel Egan. 2018. 'N-gram Matching as a Test for Authorship, Genre, and Date-of-composition of London's Early Modern Plays': A Paper Delivered on 8 June at the Conference 'Bridging Gaps, Creating Links: The Qualitative-Quantitative Interface in the Study of Literature' at the University of Padua, 7-9 June.
Egan, Gabriel. 2018a. "'Incest in Shakespeare': A Letter to the Editor." The Times Literary Supplement Number 6025 (21 September). 8.
Egan, Gabriel. 2018b. "Review of William Shakespeare and Others King Edward the Third Edited By Richard Proudfoot and Nicola Bennett for The Arden Shakespeare (London: Bloomsbury, 2017)." Review of English Studies. ns 69. 578-80.
Egan, Gabriel. 2018c. 'What Can Computers Tell us About Shakespeare's Early Editions and Authorship':? A Talk on 2 May for the Seminar 'Modernités Britanniques' at the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France.
Egan, Gabriel. 2018d. 'Shakespeare Editions and Textual Studies, 2016': Not the Year's Work in English Studies, a Self-published Annual Review.
Egan, Gabriel. 2018e. 'Scholarly Method, Truth, and Evidence in Shakespearian Textual Studies': A Paper Delivered at the International Shakespeare Confererence at the Shakespeare Institute, Stratford-upon-Avon, 23-27 July.
Egan, Gabriel. 2018f. 'Do Authors Have Their Own Unique Styles':? A Talk at the Research Showcase of the Faculty of Arts, Design, and Humanities at De Montfort University on 2 March.
Segarra, Santiago, Mark Eisen, Gabriel Egan and Alejandro Ribeiro. 2018. "Stylometric Analysis of Early Modern English Plays." Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 33. 500-28.
Egan, Gabriel. 2018a. 'Shakespeare Editions and Textual Studies, 2016': A Self-published Annual Review called Not the Year's Work in English Studies.
Egan, Gabriel. 2017a. "A History of Shakespearean Authorship Attribution." The New Oxford Shakespeare: Authorship Companion. Edited by Gary Taylor and Gabriel Egan. Oxford. Oxford University Press. 27-47.
Egan, Gabriel. 2017b. "'The First Folio': A Letter to the Editor." The Times Literary Supplement Number 5970 (1 September). 6.
Egan, Gabriel. 2017c. "If You Are Paid to Write, You Don't Own the Content." Times Higher Education Supplement 7 September. n. pag.
Egan, Gabriel. 2017e. 'Lost and Found Shakespeare': A Public Lecture at De Montfort University Leicester on 22 November.
Egan, Gabriel. 2017f. "'The First Folio': A Letter to the Editor." The Times Literary Supplement Number 5973 (22 September). 6.
Egan, Gabriel. 2017g. 'Shakespeare::Marx && Community::Writing' A Paper Delivered at the One-day Conference on 'Shakespeare and Marx' at Garrick's Temple at Hampton on 24 June.
Egan, Gabriel. 2017h. 'Telling Shakespeare and Marlowe Apart By Function-word Clustering': A Paper for Conference 'Marlowe and Shakespeare' at the the Rose Theatre Kingston on 17-18 November.
Egan, Gabriel. 2017i. "The Limitations of Vickers's Trigram Tests." The New Oxford Shakespeare: Authorship Companion. Edited by Gary Taylor and Gabriel Egan. Oxford. Oxford University Press. 60-66.
Egan, Gabriel. 2017j. 'Shakespeare Editions and Textual Studies, 2015': A Self-published Annual Review called Not the Year's Work in English Studies.
Egan, Gabriel. 2017k. 'Privacy, Preservation, and Genetic Criticism': A Paper Delived in the Panel 'The Author's Unseeing Eye: Tracing the Unnoticed in Language' Held at 'Data Ache', the 21st International Conference on Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts (DRHA) Held at Plymouth University from 10 to 13 September.
Egan, Gabriel. 2017l. "'Versions of King Lear': A Letter to the Editor." Times Literary Supplement Number 5943 (24 February). 6.
Shakespeare, William. 2017.The New Oxford Shakespeare: Critical Reference Edition. Ed. Gary Taylor, John Jowett, Terri Bourus, and Gabriel Egan. Oxford. Oxford University Press.
Taylor, Gary and Gabriel Egan, eds. 2017.The New Oxford Shakespeare: Authorship Companion. Oxford. Oxford University Press.
Egan, Gabriel and Julianne Nyhan. 2016. "'So, Into the Chopper It Went': Gabriel Egan Interviewed By Julianne Nyhan." Computation and the Humanities: Towards an Oral History of Digital Humanities. Edited by Julianne Nyhan and Andrew Flinn. Springer Series on Cultural Computing. Cham. Springer. pp. 237-56
Egan, Gabriel. 2016a. "'Shakespeare at 452: Why Bother With Shakespeare? (1 April), Making Sense of Shakespeare (5 May), Is Shakespeare Universal? (7 June)': Contributions to a Journal Published By the Communist Party of Britain." Culture Matters
Egan, Gabriel. 2016b. "Manuscripts, Printing, and Publishing: Encyclopedia Entries." The Standford Global Shakespeare Encyclopedia (Online). Edited by Patricia Parker. Redwood City, CA. Stanford University Press
Egan, Gabriel. 2016d. 'Old and New Methods for Attributing Authorship': A Paper Delivered at the One-day Conference 'Authorship Attribution' at Birkbeck College, University of London, on 23 January
Egan, Gabriel. 2016e. "Folio Provenance." The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare's First Folio (1623). Edited by Emma Smith. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. pp. 68-85
Egan, Gabriel. 2016g. "Playhouses." The Cambridge Guide to the Worlds of Shakespeare. vol. 1: Shakespeare's World, 1500-1660. Edited by Bruce R. Smith. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. pp. 89-94
Egan, Gabriel. 2016h. "Why Academics Should Not Make Time for Social Media." The Times Higher Education Supplement. 26 August
Egan, Gabriel. 2016i. "Afterword." Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. vol. 31: A Special Issue on Social Digital Scholarly Editing. pp. 911-19
Egan, Gabriel. 2016j. 'The Rich and the Poor in Shakespeare': A Contribution to the Oxford University Press Blog 'Shakespeare 2016' Posted on 3 January
Egan, Gabriel. 2016k. 'Historical Texts: Using Digitized Content in Research': A Talk Delived at the 'UK Medical Heritage Library Symposium' at the Wellcome Trust, London, on 27 October
Egan, Gabriel. 2016l. "Country." The Cambridge Guide to the Worlds of Shakespeare. vol. 1: Shakespeare's World, 1500-1660. Edited by Bruce R. Smith. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. pp. 40-45
Egan, Gabriel. 2016m. 'Position Paper on Digital Research and Teaching': A Talk Delivered at 11am on 5 May to the Jisc Spotlight in the Digital Expert Group at Brettenham House, London
Egan, Gabriel. 2016n. "Shakespeare and the Impact of Editing." Shakespeare's Cultural Capital: His Economic Impact from the Sixteenth to the Twenty-first Century. Edited by Siobhan Keenan and Dominic Shellard. Basingstoke. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 32-56
Egan, Gabriel. 2016o. "Shakespeare: Editions and Textual Studies." The Year's Work in English Studies. vol. 95: Covering Work Published in 2014. Edited by William Baker and Kenneth Womack. Oxford. Oxford University Press. pp. 391-425, 516-520
Segarra, Santiago, Mark Eisen, Gabriel Egan and Alejandro Ribeiro. 2016. "Attributing the Authorship of the Henry VI Plays By Word Adjacency." Shakespeare Quarterly. vol. 67. pp. 232-56
Shakespeare, William. 2016.The New Oxford Shakespeare Complete Works: Modern Critical Edition. Ed. Gary Taylor, John Jowett, Terri Bourus, and Gabriel Egan. Oxford. Oxford University Press.
Egan, Gabriel. 2015a. "Review of Zachary Lesser 'Hamlet' After Q1: An Uncanny History of the Shakespearean Text (Phildelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015)." Review of English Studies. vol. 66. pp. 986-88
Egan, Gabriel. 2015b. 'Instructive Failures in Authorship Attribution By Shared Phrases in Large Textual Corpora': A Paper Delivered at the One-day Conference on 'Linguistic DNA of Modern Western Thought' at the University of Sussex on 18 September
Egan, Gabriel. 2015c. 'The Printing of the First Folio': A Public Talk at Meisei University, Tokyo, on 16 January
Egan, Gabriel. 2015d. 'British Renaissance Theatre History Since 1945': A Talk for the 70th Anniversary Celebrations of the Journal Theatre Notebook Delivered on 11 November at Swedenborg Hall, London
Egan, Gabriel. 2015e. "Press Variants in Q2 Hamlet: An Accident on N(outer)." Studies in Bibliography. vol. 59. pp. 115-29
Egan, Gabriel. 2015f.Shakespeare and Ecocritical Theory. Arden Shakespeare and Theory. London. Bloomsbury
Egan, Gabriel. 2015g. 'Introducing Undergraduates to the Detection and Interpretation of Press Variants in the First Folio': A Contribution to the Workshop 'Reading the First Folio Then and Now' on 2 April at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Shakespeare Association of America in Vancouver, 1-4 April
Egan, Gabriel. 2015h. 'Young Shakespeare's Aspirations': A Talk for the De Montfort University Humanities Festival in Leicester on 9 November
Egan, Gabriel. 2015i. 'Old Machines Running Old Languages': A 'Thought Piece' Contribution to the Website of Working Group on Minimal Computing of the Global OutlookDigital:: Humanities (GODH):: Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) at
Egan, Gabriel. 2015j. "Shakespeare: Editions and Textual Matters." The Year's Work in English Studies. vol. 94: Covering Work Published in 2013. Edited by William Baker and Kenneth Womack. Oxford. Oxford University Press. pp. 305-369, 452-456
Egan, Gabriel. 2015k. "'Pay Your Rent': A Letter to the Editor." London Review of Books vol. 37 issue 2 (22 January) p. 4
Egan, Gabriel. 2014a. "Review of Bruce Boehrer Environmental Degradation in Jacobean Drama (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013)." Renaissance Quarterly. vol. 67. pp. 363-64
Egan, Gabriel. 2014b. "The Closure of the Theatres." Yearbook of English Studies. vol. 44. Edited by Rory Loughnane, Andrew J. Power and Peter Sillitoe. London. Modern Humanities Research Association. pp. 103-19
Egan, Gabriel. 2014c. "Shakespeare: Editions and Textual Matters." The Year's Work in English Studies. vol. 93: Covering Work Published in 2012. Edited by William Baker and Kenneth Womack. Oxford. Oxford University Press. pp. 295-362, 453-456
Egan, Gabriel. 2014d. "Review of Lukas Erne Shakespeare and the Book Trade (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013)." Review of English Studies. vol. 65. pp. 543-44
Egan, Gabriel. 2014e. "Using Stand-off XML Markup to Record Scholarly Differences of Opinion About Typesetting." Proceedings of the Digital Humanities Congress Held at the University of Sheffield on 6-8 September 2012. Edited by Clare Mills, Michael Pidd and Esther Ward. Studies in the Digital Humanities. Sheffield. Humanities Research Institute of the University of Sheffield. Available online at
Egan, Gabriel. 2014f. "What is Not Collaborative About Early Modern Drama in Performance and Print?" Shakespeare Survey. vol. 67. pp. 18-28
Egan, Gabriel. 2014g. 'Shakespeare's Early Career': A Paper Delivered at the Conference 'The Early Modern Career' on 2 May at the University of Birmingham
Egan, Gabriel. 2014h. "'Public Property':? A Letter to the Editor." Times Literary Supplement. vol. Number 5815 (12 September). p. 6
Egan, Gabriel and Brett Hirsch. 2014i. 'The Date and Authorship of The Two Gentlemen of Verona': A Paper Delivered at the Seminar 'Early Shakespeare' on 25 April at the Conference 'Shakespeare 450' at the Sorbonne University, Paris, 21-27 April 2014
Egan, Gabriel. 2014j. ''The Like to Protheus': Lance Versus Speed as Two Conceptions of the Clown in Early Shakespeare': A Paper Delivered in the Seminar 'Shakespearean Figurations: The Theatrical Performance of Typicality' on 5 August at the at the International Shakespeare Conference at the Shakespeare Institute Stratford-upon-Avon 3-8 August
Egan, Gabriel and Brett D. Hirsch. 2013. 'Where Do/doe we Go/goe from Here/heere?: Computational Methods in Compositorial Studies of Early Printed Shakespeare Editions': A Paper Delivered on 17 September at the Conference 'Early Modern Texts: Digital Methods and Methodologies' at the University of Oxford on 16-17 September 2013
Egan, Gabriel. 2013a. 'The Stage History of Cymbeline': A Paper Delivered on 10 October to a 'Thursday Seminar' at the Shakespeare Institute in Stratford-upon-Avon
Egan, Gabriel. 2013b. 'What is Not Collaborative About Early Modern Drama in Performance and Print':? A Paper Delivered in the Seminar 'Collaborative Shakespeare' on 29 March at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Shakespeare Association of America in Toronto on 28-30 March
Egan, Gabriel. 2013c. "Review of Edward Pechter Shakespeare Studies Today: Romanticism Lost (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011)." Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen. vol. 250 Band 164. pp. 424-27
Egan, Gabriel. 2013d. "Why You Should Not Use Social Media." The Arts and Humanities Research Board Peer Review College Newsletter. vol. June. p. 3
Egan, Gabriel. 2013e. "Review of Lina Perkins Wilder Shakespeare's Memory Theatre: Recollection, Properties, and Character (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010)." The European Legacy: Towards New Paradigms. vol. 17. p. 953
Egan, Gabriel. 2013f. 'What Happens When You Abandon Paper: Scholarly Communication in the Digital World': A Talk for the Conference 'Forms of Innovation: Communicative Space' at De Montfort University, Leicester, on 17 August 2013
Egan, Gabriel. 2013g. "Shakespeare: Editions and Textual Matters." The Year's Work in English Studies. vol. 92: Covering Work Published in 2011. Edited by William Baker and Kenneth Womack. Oxford. Oxford University Press. pp. 1-49, 89-91
Egan, Gabriel. 2013h. "Green-eyed, no Monster." Times Higher Education. vol. Number 2104 (6 June). p. 28
Egan, Gabriel. 2013i. 'Shakespeare's Typos': An Inaugural Professorial Lecture Delivered on 23 May at De Montfort University
Egan, Gabriel. 2013j. 'What Happened?: Perspectives Going Forward': A Paper Delivered on 13 July to the Conference 'Social, Digital, Scholarly Editing' at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, 11-13 July
Egan, Gabriel. 2013k. "'Sonnets': A Letter to the Editor." Times Literary Supplement. vol. Number 5748 (31 May). p. 6
Egan, Gabriel. 2013l. 'Early Modern Play Manuscripts and Their Licensing': A Paper Delivered at the University of London Senate House on 21 January in the Public Lecture Series 'Documents of Shakespearean Performance: Stage, Page and Manuscript in Early Modern England' Organized By the Open University's 'Book History Research Group' and the Institute of English Studies of the University of London
Egan, Gabriel. 2013m. "Review of Simon C. Estok Ecocriticism and Shakespeare: Reading Ecophobia (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011)." The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms. vol. 18. pp. 656-58
Egan, Gabriel. 2013n. "The Presentist Threat to Editions of Shakespeare." Shakespeare and the Urgency of Now: Criticism and Theory in the Twenty-first Century. Edited by Cary DiPietro and Hugh Grady. Palgrave Shakespeare Studies. Basingstoke. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 38-59
Egan, Gabriel. 2012a. "Materialism, the Mind/body Problem and Genetics: A Response to David Hawkes." Early Modern Culture. vol. 9: Special Issue 'New Idealism'? paragraphs 1-9
Egan, Gabriel. 2012b. "Homeostasis in Shakespeare." Posthumanist Shakespeares. Edited by Stefan Herbrechter and Ivan Callus. Palgrave Shakespeare Studies. Dobson, Michael; Callaghan, Dympna. London. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 77-94
Egan, Gabriel. 2012c. "Shakespeare: Editions and Textual Matters." The Year's Work in English Studies. vol. 91: Covering Work Published in 2010. Edited by William Baker and Kenneth Womack. Oxford. Oxford University Press. pp. 328-410, 504-507
Egan, Gabriel. 2012d. 'Where Are we Now in Determining Folio Compositor Stints':? A Paper Delivered on 8 August in the Seminar 'New Light on the First Folio' at the International Shakespeare Conference at the Shakespeare Institute Stratford-upon-Avon 6-10 August
Egan, Gabriel. 2012e. 'Shakespeare, Materialism and the Evolution of Morality': A Paper Delivered on 15 June at the Conference 'Contemporary Shakespeare' Held at Hildesheim University 14-16 June
Egan, Gabriel. 2012f. 'Homeostasis in Shakespeare': Paper Delivered on 7 August in the Seminar 'Ecology and Work in Shakespeare' at the International Shakespeare Conference at the Shakespeare Institute Stratford-upon-Avon 6-10 August
Egan, Gabriel. 2012g. "Review of James Marino Owning William Shakespeare: The King's Men and Their Intellectual Property (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011)." Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen. vol. 249 Band 164. pp. 196-98
Egan, Gabriel. 2012h. "Review of Paul Eggert and Peter Shillingsburg (Eds) Ecdotica Volume 6 Special Issue on Anglo-American Scholarly Editing 1980-2005 (Bologna and Madrid: Lma Mater Studiorum Università Di Bologna Dipartimento Di Italianistica and Centro Para La Edición de Los Clásicos Españoles, 2009)." Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America. vol. 105. pp. 533-34
Egan, Gabriel. 2012i. 'Quick-and-dirty XML Applications for Textual Analysis': A Paper Delivered in the Panel 'Approaches to Digitizing Texts' at the 'Digital Humanities Congress' at the University of Sheffield 6-8 September
Egan, Gabriel. 2012j. 'Shakespeare, Emergent Self-regulation and Sustainability': A Paper Delivered on 14 March at the Symposium 'Sustainable Humanities: Literature, Film and Eco-criticism' at Utrecht University 14-15 March
Egan, Gabriel. 2012k. 'Testing Competing Hypotheses About Compositorial Stints in Early Printed Books Using Stand-off Markup XML': A Paper Presented on 24 March at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America in Washington DC, 22-24 March
Egan, Gabriel. 2012l. "'He Was the Author, Thou the Instrument': What Did the Early Modern Theatre Company Do to the Dramatists' Scripts?": A Talk Delivered to the Society for Theatre Research at 5pm on 19 January at Swedenborg Hall London
Egan, Gabriel. 2012m. "The Editorial Problem of Press Variants: Q2 Hamlet as a Test Case" Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America. vol. 106. pp. 311-55
Egan, Gabriel. 2011a. "Gaia and the Great Chain of Being." Ecocritical Shakespeare. Edited by Lynne Bruckner and Daniel Brayton. Literary and Scientific Cultures of Early Modernity. Aldershot. Ashgate. pp. 57-69
Egan, Gabriel, ed. 2011b. Electronic Publishing: Politics and Pragmatics. New Technologies in Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Toronto. Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies (MRTS) and ITER
Egan, Gabriel. 2011c. "Precision, Consistency, and Completeness in Early-modern Playbook Manuscripts: The Evidence from Thomas of Woodstock and John a Kent and John a Cumber." The Library (=Transactions of the Bibliographical Society). vol. 12. pp. 376-91
Egan, Gabriel. 2011d. ''The Missing Page': Hancock's Half Hour and the Debasement of Literature': A Paper Delivered at the One-day Conference 'Book Destruction' at the Institute for Historical Research London on 16 April
Egan, Gabriel. 2011e. "Review of Tiffany Stern Documents of Performance in Early Modern England (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009)." Early Modern Literary Studies. vol. 15.3
Egan, Gabriel. 2011f. "Shakespeare, Idealism, and Universals: The Significance of Recent Work on the Mind." The Return of Theory in Early Modern English Studies: Tarrying with the Subjunctive. Edited by Paul Cefalu and Bryan Reynolds. Basingstoke. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 278-95
Egan, Gabriel. 2011g. "Shakespeare: Editions and Textual Studies." The Year's Work in English Studies. vol. 90: Covering Work Published in 2009. Edited by William Baker and Kenneth Womack. Oxford. Oxford University Press. pp. 297-363, 467-471
Egan, Gabriel. 2010a. "Shakespeare: Editions and Textual Studies." The Year's Work in English Studies. vol. 89: Covering Work Published in 2008. Edited by William Baker and Kenneth Womack. Oxford. Oxford University Press. pp. 337-364, 446-450
Egan, Gabriel. 2010b. 'Press Variants in Shakespeare': A Paper Delivered on 23 October in the Panel 'Variation in the Early Texts of Shakespeare: Causes and Consequences' at the Conference 'Rethinking Early Modern Print Culture' at University of Toronto 22-24 October
Egan, Gabriel. 2010c. "Intention in the Editing of Shakespeare." Style. vol. 44. pp. 378-90
Egan, Gabriel. 2010d. "Encyclopaedia Entries on Book Historians and Theorists." The Oxford Companion to the Book. Edited by Michael F. Suarez and H. R. Woudhuysen. Oxford. Oxford University Press
Egan, Gabriel. 2010e. 'Press Correction and the Shakespearian Editor': A Paper Presented on 9 April in the Panel ''Texts in Motion (II): Collating Press Variants', Part of the Strand 'Renaissance Studies and New Technologies', at the 56th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America in Venice, 8-10 April
Egan, Gabriel. 2010f. "Review of Andrew Murphy Shakespeare for the People: Working-class Readers, 1800-1900 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008)." Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen. vol. 247 Band, 162 Jahrgang. pp. 423-25
Egan, Gabriel. 2010g. "Section 5 on Intellectual property and the creative arts." Driving UK Research: Is Copyright a Help or a Hindrance? -- A Perspective from the Research Community. Edited by Natasha Green. London. British Library
Egan, Gabriel. 2010h. The Struggle for Shakespeare's Text: Twentieth-century Editorial Theory and Practice. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521889179
Egan, Gabriel. 2009a. 'A Response to the Three-text Arden3 Hamlet': A Paper Delived at the Postgraduate Study Day 'Hamlet After Arden 3' at the Centre for Research in Renaissance Studies at Roehampton University London on 11 June
Egan, Gabriel. 2009b. "Horses in Early-modern Drama." Indian Journal of Ecocriticism. vol. 2. pp. 61-72
Egan, Gabriel. 2009c. "New Contexts for Shakespeare." The Shakespeare Handbook. Edited by Andrew Hiscock and Stephen Longstaffe. Continuum Handbooks. London. Continuum. pp. 173-89
Egan, Gabriel. 2009d. "'Already Done': A Letter to the Editor." Times Literary Supplement. vol. Number 5560 (23 October). p. 6
Egan, Gabriel. 2009e. "The Theatre in Shoreditch." The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern Theatre. Edited by Richard Dutton. Oxford. Oxford University Press. pp. 168-185, 623-672
Egan, Gabriel. 2009f. "'Ride Me as You Would be Rid': The Horse in Brome and Heywood's The Witches of Lancashire": A Paper Delivered on 20 June at the Conference 'The Renaissance and Early Modern Horse' at Roehampton University London 19-20 June
Egan, Gabriel. 2009g. "Review of Peter Holland (Ed.) Shakespeare Survey 59: On Editing (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006)." The Sixteenth Century Journal. vol. 40. pp. 502-03
Egan, Gabriel. 2009h. "The Future of Early-modern Studies: The Lone Digital Scholar." Sixteenth Century Journal. vol. 40. pp. 180-81
Egan, Gabriel. 2009i. "Shakespeare: Editions and Textual Studies." The Year's Work in English Studies. vol. 88: Covering Work Published in 2007. Edited by William Baker and Kenneth Womack. Oxford. Oxford University Press. pp. 345-397, 481-486
Egan, Gabriel. 2009j. 'Press Variants in Q2 Hamlet': A Paper Presented on 10 April at the Seminar 'Booking Shakespeare: The Bard in the Codex' at the 37th Meeting of the Shakespeare Association of America in Washington DC, 9-11 April
Egan, Gabriel. 2009k. 'Open Access and the Academic': An Invited Talk for the Paper Session 'Open Access and the Researcher' at the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) National Conference at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre on 24 March
Egan, Gabriel. 2009l. 'Press Correction and the Shakespearian Editor': A Paper Delivered at the Conference 'The Future of Shakespeare's Text' at Loyola University Chicago on 7 November
Egan, Gabriel. 2008a. 'Homeostasis in Shakespeare': A Paper Delivered on 15 March in the Panel 'Shakespeare and Ecocriticism' at the 36th Meeting of the Shakespeare Association of America in Dallas, 13-15 March 2008
Egan, Gabriel. 2008b. "Foucault's Epistemic Shift and Verbatim Repetition in Shakespeare." Shakespeare's Book. Edited by Richard Meek, Jane Rickard and Richard Wilson. Manchester. Manchester University Press. pp. 123-39
Egan, Gabriel. 2008c. "Review Irena R. Makaryk and Joseph G. Price (Eds) Shakespeare in the Worlds of Communism and Socialism (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006)." Labour/Le Travail. vol. 61. pp. 315-17
Egan, Gabriel. 2008d. 'Are There Three Hamlets in the Three Early Texts of Hamlet?': A Paper Delivered on 20 July to the Panel 'Editing' at the Conference 'SCAENA 2008: Shakespeare and His Contemporaries: Performance and Adaptation' at Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge, 18-20 July
Egan, Gabriel. 2008e. "Review of Zachary Lesser Renaissance Drama and the Politics of Publication: Readings in the English Book Trade (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004)." The Journal of the Printing Historical Society. vol. 11. pp. 94-96
Egan, Gabriel. 2008f. "Food and Biological Nature: As You Like It, Antony and Cleopatra, Pericles, Cymbeline and The Winter's Tale." Shakespearean Criticism. vol. 110. Edited by Michelle Lee. Detroit MI. Gale Cengage. pp. 51-57. Anthologized reprint of pages 108-119 of Gabriel Egan Green Shakespeare: From Ecopolitics to Ecocriticism (London: Routledge, 2006)
Egan, Gabriel. 2008g. 'Making Editions for Close Readers: The Arden Shakespeare 1899-1904': A Paper for the Seminar 'Shakespearean Close Reading, Old and New' at the 33rd International Shakespeare Conference at Straford-upon-Avon, 4-8 August
Egan, Gabriel. 2008h. "Shakespeare: Editions and Textual Studies." The Year's Work in English Studies. vol. 87: Covering Work Published in 2006. Edited by William Baker and Kenneth Womack. Oxford. Oxford University Press. pp. 336-385, 501-506
Egan, Gabriel. 2007a. Edinburgh Critical Guide to Shakespeare. Edinburgh Critical Guides to Literature. Edinburgh. Edinburgh University Press.
Egan, Gabriel. 2007b. "'The Electronic Book in Renaissance Studies': Paper delivered on 23 March at the annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America at Miami FL, 22-24 March."
Egan, Gabriel. 2007c. "Shakespeare: Editions and Textual Studies." The Year's Work in English Studies. vol. 86: Covering Work Published in 2005. Edited by William Baker and Kenneth Womack. Oxford. Oxford University Press. pp. 333-352, 446-449.
Egan, Gabriel. 2007d. "'''A complicated and unpleasant investigation': The Arden Shakespeare 1899-1924': A paper delivered on 12 July at the conference 'Open the Book, Open the Mind: The 2007 meeting of the Society for History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing (SHARP)' at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 11-15 July."
Egan, Gabriel. 2007e. "'The first 5 years of the Arden Shakespeare: 8 plays, 1899-1903': A paper for the seminar 'Shakespeare and the Invention of a Mass Audience' on 6 April at the 35th meeting of the Shakespeare Association of America in San Diego, 5-7 April."
Egan, Gabriel and Judit Horgas. 2007f. "Beszélgetés Gabriel Egannal (An interview with Gabriel Egan)" Liget vol. 20 issue 2 (February). pp. 86-96."
Egan, Gabriel. 2007g. "'E-Books: the academic perspective': Talk for the Annual Seminar of the Milton Keynes Learning City Libraries Network (MKLCLN) at the Open University, Milton Keyne, on 7 June."
Egan, Gabriel. 2007h. "'Tut, tut': A Letter to the Editor." London Review of Book vol. 29 issue 16 (16 August). p. 4.
Egan, Gabriel. 2007i. "Review of Margreta De Grazia 'Hamlet' without Hamlet (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007)." New Theatre Quarterly vol. 23. p. 429.
Egan, Gabriel. 2007j. "'Gavin Green speaks to Gabriel Egan': Interview between Gabriel Egan, Cahiers Élisabéthains, and Gavin Green, Design Director of Charcoalblue, London, 20 August 2007." Cahiers Élisabéthains Special Issue: The Royal Shakespeare Company Complete Works Festival 2006-2007 Stratford-upon-Avon. pp. 103-108.
Egan, Gabriel. 2007k. "'Electronic Publishing: Politics and Pragmatics': A paper delivered at 'Models of Partnership in Digital Research', a one-day colloquium at Sheffield Hallam University on 3 September."
Egan, Gabriel. 2006a. Green Shakespeare: From Ecopolitics to Ecocriticism. Accents on Shakespeare. London. Routledge.
Egan, Gabriel. 2006b. "'As it Was, Is, or Will be Played': Title-pages and the Theatre Industry to 1610." From Performance to Print in Early Modern England. Edited by Peter Holland and Stephen Orgel. Redefining British Theatre History. London. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 92-110.
Egan, Gabriel. 2006c. 'New Directions in Marxism: Shakespeare, Ecology and Production': An Invited Paper for the Seminar 'Re-Reading Marx and Shakespeare' Led By Peter Holbrook, Conal Condren, and Andreas Hofele at the World Shakespeare Congress in Brisbane 16-21 July
Egan, Gabriel. 2006d. 'Earth's bounty and the circuit of borrowing in Shakespeare and Middleton's Timon of Athens 4.3': A paper for the seminar 'Nature and the Environment in Early Modern English Drama' at the Shakespeare Association of America annual meeting in Philadelphia 13-15 April
Egan, Gabriel. 2006e. "Shakespeare: Editions and Textual Studies." The Year's Work in English Studies. vol. 85: Covering Work Published in 2004. Edited by William Baker and Kenneth Womack. Oxford. Oxford University Press. pp. 288-333, 418-422.
Egan, Gabriel. 2006f. "Review of Peter Holland and Stephen Orgel (Eds.) From Script to Stage in Early Modern England (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004)." Theatre Notebook. vol. 60. pp. 60-62
Egan, Gabriel. 2006g. 'Shakespeare and the 'Multiple-Drafts' Model of Consciousness': Paper delivered at the seminar 'The Possibility of Awareness' on 8 August at the 32th International Shakespeare Conference at the Shakespeare Institute, Stratford on Avon, 6-11 August
Egan, Gabriel. 2006h. 'Type-facsimiles, photo-facsimiles and new media': A Paper Delivered to the Conference 'Recovering Renaissance Drama: 100 Years of Malone Society Publications' at Corpus Christi College Oxford on 23 September
Egan, Gabriel. 2006i. "Review of Peter Holland and Stephen Orgel (Eds.) From Script to Stage in Early Modern England (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004)." New Theatre Quarterly. vol. 22. pp. 205-6
Egan, Gabriel. 2006j. "Review of Andrew Gurr The Shakespeare Company, 1594-1642 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004)." The Sixteenth Century Journal. vol. 37. pp. 155-7
Egan, Gabriel. 2006k. "'Scientific Challenge': A Letter to the Editor" New Internationalist . Number 389 (May). p. 34
Egan, Gabriel. 2006l 'New Directions in Marxism: Shakespeare, Ecology and Production': Paper delivered at the conference 'Culture, Environment, and Eco-Politics' at University of Northampton 17 June.
Egan, Gabriel. 2006m "Review of Robert N. Watson Back to Nature: The Green and the Real in the Late Renaissance (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006)" Review of English Studies New Series vol. 57. pp. 817-9
Egan, Gabriel. 2006n 'Authors and Indexes (I)': A Letter to the Editor" Times Literary Supplement Number 5407 (17 November). p. 17.
Egan, Gabriel. 2006o. "'Authors and Indexes (II)': A Letter to the Editor" Times Literary Supplement Number 5410 (8 December). p. 15
Egan, Gabriel. 2005a. 'Impalpable Hits: Indeterminacy in the Searching of Tagged Shakespearian Texts': A Paper Delivered on 17 March at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Shakespeare Association of America in Bermuda, 17-19 March
Egan, Gabriel. 2005b. "Platonism and Bathos in Shakespeare and Other Early Modern Drama." Refiguring Mimesis: Representation in Early Modern Literature. Edited by Jonathan Holmes and Adrian Streete. Hatfield. University of Hertfordshire Press. pp. 59-78
Egan, Gabriel. 2005c. "Review of B. J. Sokol and Mary Sokol Shakespeare, Law, and Marriage (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003)." New Theatre Quarterly. vol. 21. p. 195
Egan, Gabriel. 2005d. 'EEBO's Search Limitations and Advantages, Compared to Print Resources': Invited 30-minute Talk for the Early English Books Online (EEBO) Promotional Event 'Using EEBO in Research and Teaching' at the Maughan Library of King's College London Jointly Organized By the English Subject Centre of the Higher Education Academy and the Publisher ProQuest on 29 April
Egan, Gabriel. 2005e. '"Thou Hast Most Traitorously Corrupted the Youth of the Realm . . . Thou Hast Built a Paper-mill" (Shakespeare 2 Henry 6,) Or, The First Thing we Do is Kill All the Trees': A Paper for the Conference 'English Studies and the Computer' Organized By University of Newcastle and the English Subject Centre at University of Newcastle 3-4 November
Egan, Gabriel. 2005f. "'Anonymous Nihilism': A Letter to the Editor." Times Literary Supplement. vol. 5313. p. 17. 28 January. ISSN 0307661
Egan, Gabriel. 2005g. "Shakespeare: Editions and Textual Studies." The Year's Work in English Studies. vol. 84: Covering Work Published in 2003. Edited by William Baker and Kenneth Womack. Oxford. Oxford University Press. p. 290-354
Egan, Gabriel. 2005h. "'EEBO and the politics of open standards': A Paper for the Conference '(De)materialising the Early Modern Text: Early English Books Online in Teaching and Research' at Bath Spa University College, 8-9 September
Egan, Gabriel. 2004a. Shakespeare and Marx. Oxford Shakespeare Topics. Oxford. Oxford University Press.
Egan, Gabriel. 2004b. Early Modern Literary Studies. Special Issue on Computer Modelling of Performance Venues. Internet ISSN 1201-2459
Egan, Gabriel. 2004c. A Public Talk to Introduce a Screening of the Richard Eyre (Director) Film Stage Beauty (2004: Qwerty Films/N1 European Film/Artisan Entertainment/BBC Films/Momentum Pictures/Returning Productions/Tribeca Productions) at the Broadway Cinema, Nottingham, on 9 September 2004
Egan, Gabriel. 2004d. "Shakespeare and Eco-criticism: The Unexpected Return of the Elizabethan World Picture." Literature Compass. vol. 1. Internet
Egan, Gabriel. 2004e. 'Pericles and the Textuality of Theatre': A Paper Delivered at the Conference 'From Stage to Print in Early Modern England' at the Huntington Library, San Marino CA, USA, 19-20 March
Egan, Gabriel. 2004f. "The 1599 Globe and Its Modern Replica: Virtual Reality Modelling of the Archaeological and Pictorial Evidence." Early Modern Literary Studies. vol. Special Issue 12: Virtual Reality Modelling of Performance Spaces. Internet ISSN 1201-2459
Egan, Gabriel. 2004g. "'Textual Contentions': A Letter to the Editor." Times Literary Supplement. vol. 5290. p. 15. 20 August. ISSN 0307661
Egan, Gabriel. 2004h. 'Seeing it Whole: Historicism and the Rejection of Unity': A Paper for the Seminar 'Shakespeare and Historicism' on 28 July at the International Shakespeare Conference at the Shakespeare Institute, Stratford Upon Avon, 25-30 July
Egan, Gabriel. 2004i. "'Henry VI'." The Times Literary Supplement. vol. 5296. p. 17. 1 October. ISSN 0307661
Egan, Gabriel. 2004j. 'Editorial Treatment of the Shakespeare Apocrypha, 1664-1737': A Paper Delivered at the Conference 'Leviathan to Licensing Act (The Long Restoration, 1650-1737): Theatre, Print and Their Contexts' at Loughborough University, 15-16 September
Egan, Gabriel. 2004k. "Shakespeare: Editions and Textual Studies." The Year's Work in English Studies. vol. 83: Covering Work Published in 2002. Edited by William Baker and Kenneth Womack. Oxford. Oxford University Press. pp. 255-95. ISSN 0084-4144
Egan, Gabriel. 2003a. 'The Past as Prologue: Marxist Historicism and the Globe Reconstruction': Paper for Seminar 'Shakespeare in Theory' on 30 August at the Inaugural British Shakespeare Association Conference at De Montfort University, 29-31 August
Egan, Gabriel. 2003b. "'Did Petrucchio spill the water?': Review of Ann Thompson and Gordon McMullan (Eds) In Arden: Editing Shakespeare: Essays in Honour of Richard Proudfoot (London: Thomson Learning, 2003)." Around the Globe. vol. 24. p. 41. ISSN 1366-2317
Egan, Gabriel. 2003c. "Review of Roslyn Lander Knutson Playing Companies and Commerce in Shakespeare's Time (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001)." New Theatre Quarterly. vol. 19. p. 195. ISSN 0266-464X
Egan, Gabriel. 2003d. "Shakespeare: Editions and Textual Studies." The Year's Work in English Studies. vol. 82: Covering Work Published in 2001. Edited by William Baker and Kenneth Womack. Oxford. Oxford University Press. pp. 250-319 ISBN 0198530811 ISSN 0084-4144
Egan, Gabriel. 2003e. "Review of Nicholas Grene Shakespeare's Serial History Plays (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002)." New Theatre Quarterly. vol. 19. pp. 395-6. ISSN 0266-464X
Egan, Gabriel. 2003f. "Gilding Loam and Painting Lilies: Shakespeare's Scruple of Gold." Connotations. vol. 11. p. 165-79. ISSN 0939-5482
Egan, Gabriel. 2003g. "Shylock's Unpropped House and the Theatre in Shoreditch." Notes and Queries. vol. 248. pp. 37-39. ISSN 0029-3970
Egan, Gabriel. 2003h. "Theatre in London." Shakespeare: An Oxford Guide. Edited by Stanley Wells and Lena Cowen Orlin. Oxford. Oxford University Press. pp. 22-33. ISBN 0199245223
Egan, Gabriel. 2003i. Shakespeare. University of London BA English Subject Introductions. London. University of London. no ISBN
Egan, Gabriel. 2003j. 'Shakespeare in the Past': Position Paper for Round-table Discussion with Andrew Gurr and Tiffany Stern on 29 August at the Inaugural British Shakespeare Association Conference at De Montfort University, Leicester, 29-31 August
Egan, Gabriel. 2003k. 'Babbling of Green Fields: Shakespearian Ecopolitics in Theory': Paper for the Seminar 'Shakespeare, Theory and Spirituality' on 31 August at the Inaugural British Shakespeare Association Conference at De Montfort University, Leicester, 29-31 August
Brome, Richard and Thomas Heywood. 2002. The Witches of Lancashire (The Late Lancashire Witches). Globe Quartos. London. Nick Hern. Ed. Gabriel Egan ISBN 1854596640
Egan, Gabriel and Andrew Gurr. 2002. "Prompting, Backstage Activity, and the Openings Onto the Shakespearian Stage." Theatre Notebook. vol. 56. pp. 138-42. ISSN 0040-5523
Egan, Gabriel. 2002a. "Leashing in the Dogs of War: The Influence of Lyly's Campaspe on Shakespeare's All's Well That Ends Well." English Language Notes. vol. 40.1. pp. 29-41. ISSN 0013-8282
Egan, Gabriel. 2002b. "Review of E. A. J. Honigmann Shakespeare: Seven Tragedies Revisited: The Dramatist's Manipulation of Response (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2002)." Around the Globe. vol. 22. p. 49. ISSN 1366-2317
Egan, Gabriel. 2002c. "Review of Glynn Wickham, Herbert Berry, and William Ingram (Eds) English Professional Theatre, 1530-1660 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000)." New Theatre Quarterly. vol. 18. p. 290. ISSN 0266-464X
Egan, Gabriel. 2002d. "Review of Grace Ioppolo (Ed.) Shakespeare Performed: Essays in Honor of R. A. Foakes (Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2000)." Around the Globe. vol. 20. pp. 50-51. ISSN 1366-2317
Egan, Gabriel. 2002e. "Review of Robin Headlam Wells Shakespeare on Masculinity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000)." New Theatre Quarterly. vol. 18. p. 92. ISSN 0266-464X
Egan, Gabriel. 2002f. "Shakespeare: Editions and Textual Studies." The Year's Work in English Studies. vol. 81: Covering Work Published in 2000. Edited by William Baker and Kenneth Womack. Oxford. Oxford University Press. pp. 291-352. ISSN 0084-4144 ISBN 0198527446
Egan, Gabriel. 2002g. 'Leashing in the Dogs of War: The Influence of Lyly's Campaspe on Shakespeare's All's Well That Ends Well': Paper Delivered at the International Conference 'Shakespeare and the Barbarians' at University of Surrey Roehampton, 26 October 2002
Egan, Gabriel. 2002h. 'Nothing but the Text: The Funny Words of Pericles': Paper Delivered at the 30th International Shakespeare Conference 'Shakespeare and Comedy' at the Shakespeare Institute, Stratford on Avon, 18-23 August 2002
Egan, Gabriel. 2002i. 'Dumbshow and Choric Narration, Impresa and Motto: Word and Image in Shakespeare and Wilkins's Pericles': Paper Delivered at the 5th International Literature and History Conference "Text and Image: England 1500-1750" at University of Reading, 10-12 July 2002
Egan, Gabriel. 2002j. 'The Past as Prologue: Marxist Historicism and the Globe Reconstruction': Paper Delivered at the International Conference "Renaissance Histories: Shakespeare and the History Play" at University of Central Lancashire, Preston, 19-20 July 2002
Egan, Gabriel. 2002k. "The Early Seventeenth-century Origin of the Macbeth Superstition." Notes and Queries. vol. 247. pp. 236-37. ISSN 0029-3970
Egan, Gabriel. 2002l. "'Tom Paulin': A Letter to the Editor." Times Higher Education Supplement. Number 1566 (17 November) p. 17
Egan, Gabriel and Dennis Kennedy. 2001. "Globe Tourism." Around the Globe. vol. 18. pp. 24-27. ISSN 1366-2317
Egan, Gabriel and John Jowett. 2001. "Review of Early English Books Online (EEBO) (Ann Arbor MI: Bell & Howell)." Early Modern Literary Studies. vol. 7.1. Internet ISSN 1201-2459
Egan, Gabriel. 2001a. "Review of Richard A. Cave, Elizabeth Schafer, and Brian Woolland (Eds.) Ben Jonson and Theatre: Performance, Practice, and Theory (London: Routledge, 1999)." New Theatre Quarterly. vol. 17. p. 92. ISSN 0266-464X
Egan, Gabriel. 2001b. "John Heminges's Tap-house at the Globe." Theatre Notebook. vol. 55. pp. 72-77. ISSN 0040-5523
Egan, Gabriel. 2001d. 'The Book as Object in Ray Galton and Alan Simpson's Hancock's Half Hour Scripts': Paper Delivered at the International Conference "Remarking the Text" at St Andrew's University, 18-21 July 2001
Egan, Gabriel. 2001e. 'Prattle and Practice: Globe Education and the Globe': Paper Delivered at the Seventh World Congress of the International Shakespeare Association at Valencia, 18-23 April 2001
Egan, Gabriel. 2001f. "Idealist and Materialist Interpretations of BL Harley 7368, the Sir Thomas More Manuscript." Early Modern Literary Studies. vol. 7.2. Internet http://purl.oclc.emls ISSN 1201-2459
Egan, Gabriel. 2001g. "Shakespeare and Marx." Around the Globe. vol. 17. pp. 36-37. ISSN 1366-2317
Egan, Gabriel. 2001h. "Introduction to the Proceedings of the Conference 'Hamlet on Screen' at Shakespeares' Globe 28 April 2001." EnterText. vol. 1.2. Internet ISSN 1472-3085
Egan, Gabriel. 2001i. 'Diplomatic Immunity on the Early Modern Stage: Verbatim Repetition of Documents': Paper Delivered at the International Conference 'Scaena: Shakespeare and His Contemporaries in Performance' at University of Cambridge, 9-11 August 2001
Egan, Gabriel. 2001j. "Review of Benjamin Griffin Playing the Past: Approaches to English Historical Drama 1385-1600 (Woodbridge: D. S. Brewer, 2001)." New Theatre Quarterly. vol. 18. pp. 395-96. ISSN 0266-464X
Egan, Gabriel. 2001k. "Hearing or Seeing a Play?: Evidence of Early Modern Theatrical Terminology." Ben Jonson Journal. vol. 8. pp. 327-47. ISSN 1079-3453 ISBN 093395199X
Egan, Gabriel. 2001l. "Shakespeare: Editions and Textual Studies." The Year's Work in English Studies. vol. 80: Covering Work Published in 1999. Edited by William Baker and Kenneth Womack. Oxford. Oxford University Press. pp. 236-263. ISSN 1077-4254 ISBN 019851526X
Egan, Gabriel. 2001m. "Review of Martin Wiggins Shakespeare and the Drama of His Time (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000)." Around the Globe. vol. 16. p. 36. ISSN 1366-2317
Egan, Gabriel. 2001n. "Showing Versus Telling: Shakespeare's ekphraseis, Visual Absences, and the Cinema." Talking Shakespeare: Shakespeare Into the Millennium. Edited by Deborah Cartmell and Michael Scott. Basingstoke. Palgrave. pp. 168-86. ISBN 0333777913
Egan, Gabriel. 2001o. "Review of Jean E. Howard and Scott Cutler Shershow Marxist Shakespeares (London: Routledge, 2001)." Early Modern Literary Studies. vol. 7.1. p. n. pag. Internet http://purl.oclc.emls ISSN 1201-2459
Egan, Gabriel. 2001p. "Review of Janette Dillon Theatre, Court and City 1595-1610 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000)." New Theatre Quarterly. vol. 17. pp. 195-96. ISSN 0266-464X
Egan, Gabriel. 2001q. "Review of A. B. Taylor (Ed.) Shakespeare's Ovid: The Metamorphosis in the Plays and Poems (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000)." New Theatre Quarterly. vol. 17. pp. 291-92. ISSN 0266-464X
Egan, Gabriel. 2001r. 'Position Paper for Seminar on Messengers and Communication in Shakespearian and Renaissance Drama'. Paper Delivered at the Seventh World Congress of the International Shakespeare Association at Valencia, 18-23 April 2001
Egan, Gabriel. 2001s. "Theatrical Conditions and Organization, Theatre Building and Equipment, Theatre Personnel." The Oxford Companion to Shakespeare. Edited by Michael Dobson and Stanley Wells. Oxford. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0198117353
Egan, Gabriel. 2000a. "Electronic Shakespeare." Around the Globe. vol. 15. pp. 28-29. ISSN 1366-2317
Egan, Gabriel. 2000b. "Review of Steve Sohmer Shakespeare's Mystery Play: The Opening of the Globe 1599 (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1999)." Early Modern Literary Studies. vol. 5.3. Internet ISSN 1201-2459
Egan, Gabriel. 2000c. "Review of Theodore B. Leinwand Theatre, Finance and Society in Early Modern England (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999)." New Theatre Quarterly. vol. 16. p. 391. ISSN 0266-464X
Egan, Gabriel. 2000d. 'The Italian War in Shakespeare's All's Well That Ends Well': Paper Delivered at the Fifth European Society for the Study of English Conference at University of Helsinki, 25-29 August 2000
Egan, Gabriel. 2000e. "Revision of Scene 4 of Sir Thomas More as a Test of New Bibliographical Principles." Early Modern Literary Studies. vol. 6.3. Internet ISSN 1201-2459
Egan, Gabriel. 2000f. "Thomas Platter's Account of an Unknown Play at the Curtain or the Boar's Head." Notes and Queries. vol. 245. pp. 53-56. ISSN 0029-3970
Egan, Gabriel. 1999a. "Reconstructions of the Globe: A Retrospective." Shakespeare Survey. vol. 52. pp. 1-16. ISBN 0521660742
Egan, Gabriel. 1999b. "Review of Scott McMillin and Sally-Beth MacLean The Queen's Men and Their Plays (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998)." Theatre Notebook. vol. 53. pp. 121-23. ISSN 0040-5523
Egan, Gabriel. 1999c. "A Response to Paul Werstine 'Hypertext and Editorial Myth'." Early Modern Literary Studies. vol. 4.3. Internet ISSN 1201-2459
Egan, Gabriel. 1999d. "The Lords Howard's Men at the Rose and on Tour in 1599." Notes and Queries. vol. 244. pp. 234-36. ISSN 0029-3970
Egan, Gabriel. 1999e. "'Narrative holes and the cinema': Paper Delivered at International Conference 'Centenary Shakespeare on Screen' at University of Malaga, 20-24 September 1999"
Egan, Gabriel. 1998a. "'Geometrical' Hinges and the Frons Scenae of the Globe." Theatre Notebook. vol. 52. pp. 62-64. ISSN 0040-5523
Egan, Gabriel. 1998b. Renaissance and Restoration. University of London BA English Subject Introductions. London. University of London. ISBN 07187 15586
Egan, Gabriel. 1998c. "Review of Leah S. Marcus Unediting the Renaissance: Shakespeare, Marlowe, Milton (London: Routledge, 1996)." Modern Language Review. vol. 93.2. pp. 469-70. ISSN 0026-7937
Egan, Gabriel. 1998d. "Review of Shakespeare-related Internet Resources." ArdenNet. Internet
Egan, Gabriel. 1998e. "The Use of Booths in the Original Staging of Jonson's Bartholomew Fair." Cahiers Elisabethains. vol. 53. pp. 43-52. ISSN 0184-7678
Egan, Gabriel. 1997a. "Ariel's Costume in the Original Staging of The Tempest." Theatre Notebook. vol. 51. pp. 62-72.
Egan, Gabriel. 1997b. "Myths and Enabling Fictions of 'Origin' in the Editing of Shakespeare." New Theatre Quarterly. vol. 13. pp. 41-47.
Egan, Gabriel. 1997c. "London's New Globe Opens." Speech and Drama. vol. 46.1. pp. 18-24
Egan, Gabriel. 1997d. "Review of Samuel Beckett Krapp's Last Tape Directed By Edward Petherbridge and David Hunt at The Other Place, Stratford on Avon, 26 June 1997." Times Literary Supplement. vol. 4918. p. 20. 4 July.
Egan, Gabriel. 1997e. "The Situation of the 'Lords Room': A Revaluation." Review of English Studies. vol. 48. pp. 297-309.
Egan, Gabriel. 1997f. "Two 'Transitional' Late Plays At The Globe: An Evaluation Of The Scholarship Of Globe Reconstruction And Its Bearing On the Original Staging Of Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale And Cymbeline". Unpublished PhD thesis. Birmingham University.
Egan, Gabriel. 1996a. "'Away with Sinful Priests': Review of Everyman Directed By Kathryn Hunter and Marcello Magni at The Other Place, Stratford on Avon, on 14 November." Times Literary Supplement. vol. 4887. p. 20. 29 November. ISSN 0307661
Egan, Gabriel. 1996b. 'Where Was the Lords Room in the Shakespearian Playhouse?': Paper Delivered at International Conference 'Shakespeare and Tudor Theatrical Traditions' at the International Shakespeare's Globe Centre London, 9-10 September 1996
Egan, Gabriel. 1996c. 'The Use of Booths in the Original Staging of Jonson's Bartholomew Fair': Paper Delivered at International Conference 'Ben Jonson and the Theatre' at University of Reading UK, 6-9 January 1996
Egan, Gabriel. 1996d. "'The Outlook Changeable, but Mostly Wet': Review of William Shakespeare The Two Gentlemen of Verona Directed By Jack Shepherd at Shakespeare's Globe London on 24 August 1996." Times Literary Supplement. vol. 4875. p. 20. 6 September.
Egan, Gabriel. 1996e. "'Written in the Stone': Review of Jean Wilson The Archaeology of Shakespeare (Far Thrupp: Sutton, 1995)." Times Literary Supplement. vol. 4864. p. 20. 21 June.
Egan, Gabriel. 1995. Renaissance Comedy: Shakespeare and Jonson. University of London BA English Subject Introductions. London. University of London. ISBN 0718713982